Friday, 18 March 2016

Stonefields Learning Process and My Practice

I was fortunate enough to be invited along to the Manaiakalani School Leaders study tour where they went to Stonefields School.  It was an interesting twist for me to go and sit with externals to hear about the vision and learning that we are working together to achieve for our learners.  I was given the opportunity to go and teach for the morning but I decided that this would be a great chance to reflect on my term one PRT goal of growing my understanding of the Learning Process (LP) to engage with my learners.

Following an observation this week, I have been reflecting on how I can make the learning more visible to my learners so they can identify what part of the process our interactions might be aimed at.

To begin with, I structured my planning around the three areas of the LP so I can navigate both myself and the learners through the activities I am creating.  After discussion with my mentor, I have challenged myself to make the LP more visible for both the learners and myself while learning.  This was also feedback that Sarah Martin (our principal) had given all the new starters about having a physical copy of it on hand when we are in the hubs to refer to.

The other provocation that came from the presentations today was how I am in a collaborative space.  Our team had a conversation this week with Sarah this week after she asked about how we were using the space in the hub.  I have found myself getting into a routine of moving into a particular space for both my literacy and numeracy groups and "tuning out" the other zones in the hub.  Having little experience in an MLE space, I can see how I may be demonstrating behaviours which could resonate with being a teacher with my own classroom.  We are currently moving into our first concept for the year and with that comes the opportunity to co-teach with other teachers in my wider team.  I am very excited by this and I will be reflecting on my behaviours and how the skills I can bring will be able to complement the learning for the learners.

Such a great experience to have today and I was really proud to see all the learners engaging in their passions with Break Through.

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